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WrestleReg – Eliminating Hassles for Tournament Directors

Frequently Asked Questions

What does WrestleReg cost?
We add a $2.00 online registration fee to your existing entry fee for each registration with PayPal payment.
We can list the fee on the online registration page or you can add it to your entry fee and hide it from registrants.

Can I continue to get registrations in the traditional paper form?
Yes. Many tournaments choose to do both mail-in and online registrations. Most decide to go 100 % after seeing how much time and hassle can be saved with online registration.

Does WrestleReg offer online registration without online payment?
Yes. You can list your tournament with WrestleReg and get all the benefits of online registration.You can then collect your registration fees at weighins or your tounament door. It's what we call our "Pay At the Door" registration option.

What does "Pay At The Door" registration cost a tournament?
The WrestleReg Registration fee for online registration is 50 cents per wrestler.

Can I combine Online Payment and "Pay At the Door"?
Yes. You can also combine the 2 types of online registrations with traditional mail-in registrations.
You can use our tournament admin fuction to add your mail-in entries to the online entries so they are all combined for easy download and import into tournament software.

How do I list my tournament with WrestleReg?
Setup is easy. You email us your entry form and we build the online registration pages.

How do I get my list of registrants?
You can view and edit your wrestler registrations from our password protected tournament admin function.
You can download the registration data as a CSV or tab delimited text file.

Do I need a PayPal account to list my tournament with WrestleReg?
No. We use our PayPal account to accept payments.

How do I get the registration fees?
We mail you a check.
Please email us the mailing address where you'd like to receive the check.

How do wrestlers find your online registration form.
Your tournament will be listed at http://WrestleReg.com
If your organization has a website we'll send you a URL to the registration page so you can create a direct link to your registration page.



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